Come one, Come all! Apeiron’s $ANIMA Airdrop Kickoff
Hey everyone! In this week’s blog, we’ll be talking all about the upcoming $ANIMA airdrops. We know you guys have been looking forward to…
Hey everyone! In this week’s blog, we’ll be talking all about the upcoming $ANIMA airdrops. We know you guys have been looking forward to these, and so we’re excited to share what we have planned! This marks a big step forward for greater metaverse interoperability. We always said we were committed to the dream of making the metaverse a reality, and we’re doing it — now!
Also, a quick announcement that Apostle minting for S2.R will end on Jan 31st…but that’s only because from Jan 31st onwards until the TGE, ALL currently-released Apostle classes (Priest, Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Guardian, Mage) will be mintable! That’s right, we’re opening it up so that you’ll be able to mint ANY Apostle you want! Neat. But only for a limited time! All Apostles will be mintable until Feb 15th, 4pm HKT, so make sure to reserve 7 days in advance, by 4pm HKT on Feb 8th.
With that being said, let’s dive into today’s topic…
$ANIMA is coming! With our $APRS TGE on the horizon — scheduled for sometime in February — we’ll be kicking off our official $ANIMA Airdrops Campaign, for you to start earning NOW!
For these $ANIMA Airdrops, we’ll be giving out Airdrop Points (AP). AP will entitle you to $ANIMA when S3 goes live. There’s a lot of ways to earn AP, which we’ll list out below, but we want to go over a couple of important details first:
$ANIMA will be unlocked gradually post-S3 launch based on the pool of AP you earned. You’ll be able to get 1% of your ANIMA per day through battlevesting. Battlevesting basically means that in order to get the $ANIMA, you’ll need to complete certain tasks within the game, like daily missions and quests. Additionally, there will be three thresholds of AP which, if you reach, you’ll unlock a percent of your ANIMA automatically upon the S3 launch:
At least 5,000 AP = 10% unlocked at TGE
At least 10,000 AP = 15% unlocked at TGE
At least 20,000 AP = 25% unlocked at TGE
Please note that these thresholds do not stack.
Additionally, besides the PvP Closed Beta Leaderboard (see below), ANYONE can come in and earn Airdrop Points, no matter if you’re totally new to our project or a long-standing dood of the community.
Now let’s get to the real action: how to get those points! We have a handy-dandy infographic followed by the nitty gritty details.
Disclaimer: Airdrop Points are used as a weighting to distribute the actual $ANIMA’s initial market cap. More details to be revealed as S3 approached.
Earning ANIMA Airdrop Points Earning Tables
Note: Accumulated from now until our expected TGE in Feb
Note 2: What’s that ⭐ mean? Glad you noticed! It means that there are bonus secret missions if you overachieve in that category! We’ll reveal more on Twitter every week, so stay tuned!
*Star Aging refers to how much age a Star has helped a Planet to gain, so the Total Star Aging is equivalent to the total aging buff from all Stars for an account.
**The Homecoming Leaderboard closes on the 17th. Read more about Homecoming here.
There will also be a Primeval multiplier on how much AP you can earn. The multipliers will be based on your Account Tier, and apply to ALL of the Airdrop Point Earning Tables below.
Account Tiers
Primeval Exordium = Holders of our rare genesis Planet types
Elemental =+30%
Mythic = +60%
Arcane = +120%
Divine = +300%
Primal = +666%
Please note that these Account Tiers do not stack. Only the highest multiplier will be active.
The final set of points are a little more special as they apply to our PvP closed beta, which previously was only open to Asset holders, but going forward we will take a tangible step towards realizing a metaverse by inviting partner communities! The PvP Closed Beta Leaderboard AP will have its own set of bonuses.
PvP Bonuses
Visitors = Guest / unregistered accounts = 0% (Note: Guest accounts cannot earn AP.)
Core = Registered accounts approved by Partner’s Community = 100%
Chosen = Apostle holders or Partner’s Community VIP = 150%
Godlings / Starlords = Apeiron Planet / Star holders = 200%
Elemental / Mythic / Arcane / Divine / Primal = 230% / 260% / 320 % / 400% / 766%
Please note that these bonuses do not stack. Only the highest multiplier will be active.
If you do not own any Apeiron assets but still wish to participate in our PvP Closed beta, stay tuned to social media for partnership announcements to see if you belong to any of our partnered communities!
**Must reach the Rank or Ranked Tier by January 31st, 4PM UTC
****Report bugs here.
Please note that we may adjust these numbers and increase quests based on community feedback. We’re always up to listening to other doods! Additionally, any attempts to hack, exploit, win trade, alt grind will be met with loss of $ANIMA eligibility and even face banishment from ALL future community rewards! Be on your doodiest behavior!
Now let’s run through some examples to see how you gain AP. The way we calculate the totals is as follows:
((Community + Battle Demo + Marketplace + Leaderboards) x Account Tier) + (PvP Closed Beta Leaderboard x PvP Bonus)
With this formula in mind, let’s see a Whale vs a Hardcore Enthusiast vs Noobie Gamer
Example #1 Absentee Whale
Our absentee Whale owns the following Apeiron NFTs:
Planet NFTs Owned:
2x Divine Planets
2x Arcane Planets
6x Normal Planets
1x T2 Star
The top Primeval Exordium in this wallet is Divine, which entitles the Absentee Whale a +300% bonus on points earned.
The Absentee Whale didn’t do much after purchasing the assets, so he didn’t participate in the socials, in the community or play the game. Silly Whale.
From the Marketplace, the Whale gets 600 AP for having 6 orbiting Planets, and 1200 AP for having 6 Planets above 100 years old. The Whale gets 1200 AP for each Origins Apostle class owned. This means the Whale gets a total of 3000 AP from the Marketplace.
From the Leaderboards, the Whale is in the Top 1k for Lifetime Generated Vapor for 300 AP. Their Planet NFT Breed Count is in the Top 10k for 100 AP. Their Total Star Aging Rank is in the Top 100 for 900 AP. This totals to 1300 AP.
Finally, the Whale gets no AP from the PvP Closed Beta. They didn’t play! Silly Whale.
Now we add it up: 3000 + 1300 = 4300. Then we multiply this by the Account Tier multiplier of 4 for a grand total of 17,200 AP for the absentee Whale. He will get 15% of his $ANIMA unlocked upon S3, and 85% of the tokens battlevested.
Example #2 The Hardcore Gamer and NFT Enthusiast
Our Enthusiast owns the following Apeiron NFTs:
Planet NFTs Owned:
2x Arcane Planets
3x Mythic Planets
The Arcane Planet entitles them to a +120% bonus on points earned.
From the Community, the Enthusiast holds a level 3 OG Discord Role for 300 AP.
From the Battle Demo, the Enthusiast fulfills the requirements for every source, netting 1800 AP.
From the Marketplace, the Enthusiast has 5 orbiting Planets for 500 AP. The Enthusiast has 2 Planets that are less than 100 years old for 200 AP, and 3 Planets that are over 100 years old for 600 AP. They own every Apostle NFT with IVs over 60 for 600 AP, and have 5 Origins Apostles for another 500 AP. This gives a total of 2400 AP.
From the Leaderboards, the Enthusiast is in the top 100 of the PvE Play Time, PvE Rank S2.R, and Homecoming, for 3000 AP total.
For the PvP Closed Beta Leaderboard, the Enthusiast reached Silver and Gold in Alpha, getting 1500 AP. They are in the top 100 of the In-Client Leaderboard for 1000 AP, and they have reached Diamond tier, getting 1200 AP. They have reported a bug and one of their suggestions was taken by the development team for another 400 AP. This gives a total of 4100 AP.
So! First we add 300 + 1800 + 2400 + 3000 = 7500. We multiply this by 2.2 for 16,500 AP.
Now we take the PvP Closed Beta Leaderboard 4100 AP and multiply it by the PvP Bonus for Arcane Planets, which is 3.2. This gives us 13,120 AP.
Add this together for a total of 29,620 AP for our Hardcome Gamer and NFT Enthusiast! This hardcore dood reached the 20k tier and will have 25% of his $ANIMA tokens airdropped to him and 75% battlevested!
Example #3 The Noob Dood
Our Noob does not own any Planet NFTs.
For the Community, the Noob Dood gets lucky and wins a raffle, netting 500 AP.
For the Battle Demo, the Noob Dood reaches the first boss (100), completes Cycle 1 (200), and obtains a Dood Halo (100). This gives a total of 400 AP.
For the Marketplace, the Noob Dood gets no AP.
For the Leaderboard, the Noob Dood gets no AP.
For the PvP Closed Beta, the Noob Dood is a registered account from a partner community, so they get to play and earn. They manage to get to gold. Woo! Go Noob Dood! That gets them 1000 AP.
Our Noob Dood gets a total of 1,900 AP. And basically all they did was play the PvE and PvP a little bit. The $ANIMA will be battlevested in his account and he can play daily to unlock it during S3!
We hope that this provides clarity on our ANIMA Airdrops. We’ll be hanging around our Discord if you need more info, and of course you can always @ us on Twitter.
Happy farming, godlings!
About Apeiron
Apeiron is the world’s first NFT-based play-and-earn god game. Apeiron will feature a unique card-based action-adventure combat system combined with god game simulation gameplay inspired by classic god games like Populous and Black & White. Players will be able to build up planets from above before descending to the ground as a powerful Avatar to solve the mysteries of the universe. Players will grow their planet to the point of developmental stagnation, then reset the planetary cycle via an Armageddon event to allow for even more advancement and thrilling late-game alliance level GvE and GvG activities. Apeiron will use a tri-token architecture, which means that there will be three separate tokens to navigate their ecosystem: a governance token, a play-to-earn token, and a premium alliance token.
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