An Apeiron Story: The Bard’s Ballad
Hey everyone! Today we have a lore piece to share with you — an origin story about how one of the Apostles got started in her own…
Hey everyone! Today we have a lore piece to share with you — an origin story about how one of the Apostles got started in her own adventures in the godiverse — in this case, the Bard! And this one is super special because…it’s a poem! We love poetry. Well…I love poetry, and I wrote this, so NOW IT IS POETRY WE HAVE. POETRY RISING!
Ahem. Anyway.
Hope you enjoy this little peek into the godiverse! And if you like this taster and want a more robust bit of text to nibble on, you can find the other two published origins stories HERE and HERE.
Without further ado, here is this week’s Ballad of the Bard.
Hippytrix the dood, a bard so fine,
Played for breakfast, cheesy bacon divine,
In a busy tavern before the farmers sat,
Sang of Chaddidood, the adventurer most fat.
As she strummed her lute, the aroma filled her head,
And drooled on the floor like a river of dread,
Tongue-tied, she stumbled over her own spit,
Off the stage she fell, food on her face did hit.
Up in the air, the plate of food took flight,
And landed on a meowing, oh what a sight!
The startled feline ran in great fear,
Causing a waiter to suddenly spill drinks and beer.
The crowd then jumped up and joined the fray,
Food and drink flying every which way,
Hippytrix ran fast to avoid being pelted,
But also tried to grab a bite where she felt it was warranted.
And so the morning turned into a mess,
The tavern abandoned in utter distress,
Hippytrix left with a grumbling belly,
Off to lunch, she hoped things wouldn’t get too smelly.
The farmer’s marketplace bustles, the crowds they throng,
But all their eyes are drawn, to the city so strong,
The White City looms, on the hill above,
Its shadow cast, o’er the market with love.
Hippytrix at lunchtime, pays with a tune,
Singing and dancing, in the noisy noon,
She’s a little tipsy, and feeling ignored,
But still she performs, for this merry horde.
Then Hippytrix spies, a handsome dood,
With a belly so big, it’s hard to elude,
He waggles his brows, she winks back with glee,
And they sneak off together, behind a tall tree.
But the dood’s wife appears, with a ferocious shout,
Chasing Hippytrix, who knocks the market food all about,
Passerdoods scatter, as they run through the fray,
And Hippytrix escapes, to the White City’s sway.
Now she’s in the city, with not a care in the world,
Thinking of her next meal, and the rest’s all a swirl,
She’ll play again at dinner, and hope for the best,
Up to the gods and fate she’ll leave all the rest.
The night had crept upon the White City,
Its streets grew quiet, there was no pity.
Hippytrix had nowhere to go nor stay,
So she looked to the sky and started to play.
She picked a corner, her lute at her side,
Started to strum, to sing and to glide.
The notes were soft, yet carried through the air,
A beautiful melody, with a gentle flair.
Then, in the distance, a group of drunk doods appeared,
Drawn by the music that they all revered.
They gathered ‘round, with smiles on their face,
And Hippytrix played on, with grace and with pace.
The night was young, the air was alive,
As Hippytrix played, and the doods did jive.
The smell of barbecue and alcohol filled the air,
As they danced and sang without a single care.
And then came a figure, towering in her ascent,
The Goddess Jubilee, ruler of all social events.
She looked down upon them, with a smile so bright,
And playfully asked why she wasn’t invited that night.
Before they respond, she explains with a stern face
That “Parties without my blessing are not allowed in this place.
I must ensure the celebration is done right and fair,
Or else chaos and disaster will be in the air.”
The doods all pointed to Hippytrix, abashed,
And Jubilee turned her focus to the bard with a spotlight crash.
“You just had to be there,” Hippytrix squeaked with fright,
Then Jubilee grabbed her and punted her out of sight.
And so Hippytrix flew through the sky, her lute in her hand,
Wondering where and when she would land.
But she played on, even as she soared into space,
And relaxed into her melody’s embrace.
It’s the end of the story! For now. What did you think? Come and tell us! Head on over to our Discord and let us know! Do it! Do it now! Don’t think about it — just do it! And make sure you tag @Bookworm when you’re on Discord to let him know that you’ve read this. Apeiron Lore fans, UNITE! \o/
And as always, thanks for reading, godlings. We’ll see you next time.
About Apeiron
Apeiron is the world’s first NFT-based play-and-earn godgame. Apeiron will feature a unique card-based action-adventure combat system combined with god game simulation gameplay inspired by classic god games like Populous and Black & White. Players will be able to build up planets from above before descending to the ground as a powerful Avatar to solve the mysteries of the universe. Players will grow their planet to the point of developmental stagnation, then reset the planetary cycle via an Armageddon event to allow for even more advancement and thrilling late-game alliance level GvE and GvG activities. Apeiron will use a tri-token architecture, which means that there will be three separate tokens to navigate their ecosystem: a governance token, a play-to-earn token, and a premium alliance token.
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