Apeiron Update: Dev Report July 2023
In July, we had a tremendous amount going on! The office positively bustled with activity: the air tinged with a mixture of coffee aromas…
In July, we had a tremendous amount going on! The office positively bustled with activity: the air tinged with a mixture of coffee aromas, halls echoed with the sounds of developers’ pacing footsteps, and meeting rooms shook with the weight of portentous decision-making…
…and one of those decisions was for Dev Reports! We’ve decided to go with a slightly different structure/approach for this one, as you can see below. Hopefully this will add a bit more pep in your step as you perambulate your way through this pernicious party of progress particulars.
The Dev Report for July will be structured as follows:
Community Highlights:
Seasonal Standouts & Guild War
Prepping for S3/the beta
FE Lootbox
Dev Updates:
Apostle Minting
A Brand New Storyline
Redefining Battle Style
Apeiron Abroad
Before we dive in, a quick word from our man with the plan, the doodiest of all doods, none other than Frank Cheng, Foonie Magus CEO and Co-Founder aka Lorekeeper:
“We found out this week that we beat the midcore industry benchmark with a day 1 player retention of 48.3% and day 7 of 15.52% despite being a very early development version without any sort of retention features. We’re blown away by this reception, but it shows what we’ve always known to be true: that the fundamentals of our game are strong! But of course, this is only the beginning. With the beta release later this year, we’re adding a literal crap ton of features, including the much-awaited PvP mode…personally I can’t wait to beat everyone up! And I am sure my employees and OGs share the same sentiments towards me haha. It’s all finally happening, so stay tuned and we hope that you continue to enjoy Apeiron!”
Thanks Lorekeeper! Now let’s get down to some high octane reporting.
Community Highlights
Seasonal Standouts & Guild War
We’d like to start by shouting out several enthusiastic and talented players who made it to the top ten: USN, BossOppa, Jiull, NikuNiku, JÉNGKOZ, ABBIE G, Biku, Godling 4477004, Da3m0N and our very own passionate employee — big sword. Not only have they upped their game and made their way to the top tiers of the individual leaderboard, but they’ve also been super active in discussing tips and strategies with fellow godlings on how to climb the seasonal ladders. Hats off to you doods!
It’s been particularly fun this season seeing all the ways you guys have found of breaking the game with wacky builds. The clip below in particular had the office chuckling. If you’ve got moments you think are worth sharing, tag them with #ApeironMoments and we’ll certainly check ’em out.
At a glance, this season there have been over 18,000 hours of gameplay and, since being listed on the Epic Store, over 10k downloads!! We’d like to thank all of our players and community for their ongoing support during season 2. Now, the real brawl begins — we’re eager to see many more exciting moments during the upcoming Boss Rush for the Apeiron S2 Guild Wars Prelim Tournament, which will be starting very soon!
The teams participating in the tournament are…(drumroll please…or at the very least, imagine somebody doing a drumroll)…
Grab your powpowcorn (a favorite doody snack during festive events)! The first round is almost upon us.
For further details, make sure to check our official Discord and Medium platforms.
Prepping for S3/the Beta
Even with S2 leaderboards closed, players can still play the S2 demo and reserve Apostles for minting. The reservation and minting of Priests, Hunters, and Warriors can continue all the way up until our official beta (season 3) launches! However, since you can only mint one of each Apostle class, spend some time hunting around for an Apostle worthy of the slot, which is to say, a high IV Apostle.
Also, when thinking about which Apostle to mint, you may want to consider which Apostles have strong PvP skills, since with the beta release we’re also going to have PvP.
You heard us, the official beta is on its way (later this year)!
We are incredibly grateful to have a community of like-minded doods who are constantly contributing to the development of Apeiron. As a way of giving back to the community, we’ve recently introduced the Foonie Emblem (FE) Lootbox to create more utility for FE tokens.
Anyone is welcome to sign up and by paying just 2 FEs, you’ll be rewarded with prizes. We unveil winners and open lootboxes live on Twitch every Thursday, with each lootboxes’ prize valued at up to $300USD. Each account can access a 1 lootbox/week, and rewards are distributed bi-weekly. Remember to connect your wallets to be eligible for rewards!
Dev Updates
Apostle Minting
When you visit the Apeiron Marketplace, you’ll find our web3 team has launched the Apostle minting site, and you can even now trade your Apostles. Mint yourself a high IV Apostle and then, if you’re feeling saucy, slap it on the Marketplace and sell it for the big bucks.
A Brand New Storyline
Peel back the layers and much more is going on in Apeiron’s narrative development behind the scenes. These past months we’ve been locking down on a storyline that will be presented throughout the coming seasons and even beyond that, that will finally reveal some of the things we’ve been working on for years. YEARS!
The gameplay experience in S2 demo focuses on our card-battling system and learning about the world of Apeiron through character events. However, the coming season won’t just be about that. We’re going to have a whole new main storyline quest that will introduce not only your own personal character but also the wider world of Apeiron. And then we’re going to have…well, imagine three brothers embarking adventures across different planets, scavenging for food, engaging in shenanigans…but their journey won’t just be full of gourmet exploits. Expect some DARK vibes…
Scavenging for snacks in our office, we’ve found some concept art for the 3 brothers with some snazzy outfits:
“We gave the 3 brothers different equipment according to the materials available in the diversified environments of the 3 planets. However we kept their personal characteristics to make sure they’re recognizable even in different equipment.” — Art Director, Felix Chu
In preparation for the grand entry of so many new characters and storylines, our art team have been diligently refining their designs. Here’s a little teaser to keep your doody butts in your chairs:
Redefining Battle Style
In terms of gameplay, our game designers are sprinkling magic hither and thither like some sort of gameplay design fairies. Based on player feedback, the main concern from the S2 demo was the thick HP bars of enemies in the late game, which limited choices in team comps — we’ve noticed Priests are getting all the love and attention😍, while Rogues are sulking in the corners😔. Poor Rogues…but not for long! We’ve been amplifying the strengths and weaknesses of both enemy and ally classes, so for the next season, players should be able to counter enemies with different teams. And Priests won’t be so universally strong. Hopefully.
We’re also taking another look at our Artifacts and the kind of passive effects they can have on the battlefield. We want to make sure that all of our Artifacts — and all of our Skills — feel impactful and reflect meaningful choices by our players. But really, the best way to learn about how they feel comes from you guys, so keep playing, keep experimenting, and keep that feedback rolling in!
“It is our hope that these changes will allow our game to reach new heights, on a scale similar to that of eSports.” — Game designer, Dryad
Lastly, all Wisdom Avatar elemental Planet types are ready to be implemented (in the beta) — get set for exciting water balloons, mud fights, and fireball parties! Next on our agenda: skill tree development and other elemental skills for the Fury.
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Apeiron Abroad
These last few months have also seen our bold leaders traveling abroad to spread the good word about Apeiron and to strengthen bonds with some of our excellent partners. We have a slew of pictures to show you the human touch behind the godiverse. Enjoy!

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That’s all we’ve got for now! As you can see, there’s a ton of stuff we have cooking right now. So LET US COOK (as the doodlings say). In any case, we’d love to hear your thoughts on these new features! Come chat with us on our Discord, or just hang out with other doods in our rapidly growing community. Also, don’t forget to follow our Twitter where we spread our most updated news.
Thanks for reading, and see ya next time, godlings!
About Apeiron
Apeiron is the world’s first NFT-based play-and-earn god game. Apeiron will feature a unique card-based action-adventure combat system combined with god game simulation gameplay inspired by classic god games like Populous and Black & White. Players will be able to build up planets from above before descending to the ground as a powerful Avatar to solve the mysteries of the universe. Players will grow their planet to the point of developmental stagnation, then reset the planetary cycle via an Armageddon event to allow for even more advancement and thrilling late-game alliance level GvE and GvG activities. Apeiron will use a tri-token architecture, which means that there will be three separate tokens to navigate their ecosystem: a governance token, a play-to-earn token, and a premium alliance token.
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